My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

My Sister, the Serial Killer

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite is a fantastic read. I was drawn to this book because it was written by a Nigerian writer. Waiting became difficult because there have been so many great things said about this book.

Creepy but entertaining is what I call this book. It is dark and will have you on edge quickly, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling for some weird reasons.

The story surrounds two sisters whose world revolves around each other. Korede, the older sister, is a nurse who not only cares for her patient but cares enough to cover the tracks of her psychopath serial killer sister. She has the last straw when her sister starts throwing herself at the man she likes.

This book is perfect; even if the story is heavy, the author tones the environment down with some humour, which makes it super enjoyable to follow. It is short with not a dull moment.

What I found unique about this book is all the elements that would make it mysterious were open and shared at the start of the book, making the reader feel like, okay, I know the killer and the accomplice; where is this book going? Well, you would be shocked at the route the story took.

Sincerely, I have nothing wrong to say about this book other than it is genius.

That said, if I know a person like Korede and Ayoola in real life (hopefully not), I will take ten steps away from Ayoola and 100 jumps away from Korede.

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